The so-called Temple of Demeter (the remains of which are located below of the church of San Biagio) can be dated between 480 and 470 BCE. This temple offers an interesting example of distylous building in antis, i.e.without an outer colonnade. It has a simple cella preceded by a pronaos (ante-room) with two columns.
Still preserved from the original structure are the base (30 by 13 m approx and partly visible), the outer cella walls and the wall between the cella and the pronaos. These remaing parts have been incorporated in the medieval church dedicated to St. Biagio. The beautiful water spouts in the shape of lion’s heads from this building can still be seen in the Regional Archaeological Museum of Agrigento in the room dedicated to architectural sculptures.
The Temple of Demeter in the classical period was part of a temenos, a sacred enclosure that included other adjacent structures, such as two small round altars with a central bothros or holy well. Inside, archaeologists found kernoi (ritual vessels linked to the cult of Persephone) and the remains of busts that must have represented Demeter.
References:Sigmaringen Castle was first mentioned in the year 1077 in the chronicles of Petershausen monastery. The oldest parts of the castle are concealed beneath the alterations made during the 17th and the 19th centuries. The secret of the earliest settlement built on this defendable rock will never be fully revealed: large-scale excavation work would be necessary, which the extensive land development renders impossible. Judging from the many Roman remains unearthed in the area around Sigmaringen, the 12th century keep known as the 'Roman Tower' could be traced back to a Roman predecessor.
The castle remains that have been preserved (gate, great hall and keep) date back to the Staufer period around 1200. The castle remains were integrated into subsequent buildings. The foundations of the castle buildings are to a large extent identical to the surrounding castle wall.
These remains give us a good idea of how the castle might have looked during the 12th century.