The Marsvinsholm estate was spoken about as Bosöe, Borsöe and Bordsyö in the beginning of the 12th century. By the middle of the 14th century it was owned by members of Ulfeld family. The possession were transferred to Otto Marsvin around 1630, who built the castle 1644-1648 and renamed it after himself. The name is derived from an Old Norse word for porpoise. The castle was in the beginning built on poles in a small lake. It forms a square in 4 floors and the northeast and southwest corners are provided with towers in five floors. 1782-1786 count Erik Ruuth made a thorough renovation. 1856-1857 baron Jules Sjöblad restored the castle.
Through succession and sales the castle has belonged to the families Thott, von Königsmarck, de la Gardie, Sjöblad, Ruuth, Piper, Tornerhielm and Wachtmeister. Count Carl Wachtmeister sold the castle and the remaining land to arl Jules Stjernblad in 1854. The castle was handed down to his daughter, the duchess Ida Eherensvärd. Her children, Rutger, Louise and Madeleine Bennet owned it until 1910 when it was sold to dame Johannes Jahennesen. 1938 it was handed down to his daughter, Anna Margrethe and her husband Iörgen Wedelboe-Larsen. Their son sold 1978 to Bengt Iacobaeus. His son Mr Tomas Iacobaeus is the current owner of Marsvineholm.
References:The Church of St Donatus name refers to Donatus of Zadar, who began construction on this church in the 9th century and ended it on the northeastern part of the Roman forum. It is the largest Pre-Romanesque building in Croatia.
The beginning of the building of the church was placed to the second half of the 8th century, and it is supposed to have been completed in the 9th century. The Zadar bishop and diplomat Donat (8th and 9th centuries) is credited with the building of the church. He led the representations of the Dalmatian cities to Constantinople and Charles the Great, which is why this church bears slight resemblance to Charlemagne's court chapels, especially the one in Aachen, and also to the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna. It belongs to the Pre-Romanesque architectural period.
The circular church, formerly domed, is 27 m high and is characterised by simplicity and technical primitivism.