In the 13th century, the Gothic Vartenberk castle was built on the site of a guard castle to protect the Zittau Záhvožď trade route. The founder of the castle was probably Markvart of Březno.

In 1563 the castle was rebuilt as a Renaissance chateau which was visited even by Emperor Franz Joseph I. in 1865. In modern history, the chateau served as accommodation for holidaymakers, however, later on it was devastated by the Soviet army and on September 11 1987, it burned down.The chateau has not been fully repaired yet and isn’t accessible to the public. On the opposite side of Zámecký vrch hill there stands the Chapel of St. John of Nepomuk, which is connected to the chateau by linden alley. At the highest point of Zámecký vrch hill used to stand a cross. A Baroque sculpture of St. Norbert of Xanten and a Marian column with two angels by K. Steyer can be found below the castle. On the railings there are sculptures of four saints from 1726.



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Bola som tam ako 10 ročná v roku 1951 na 4 týždňovej rekreácii detí, ktorých rodičia sa zúčastnili v SNP. Bývali sme na námestí, ale do okolia sme chodili každý deň. Boli sme aj pri tomto hrade, samozrejme ošarpanom a pri stenách boli pliešky s číslami. Naše vedúce nám vraveli, že to boli čísla väzňov z 2 svetovej vojny. Chodili sme aj na jazero Hámre - hádam si t dobre pamätám. Najviac ma prekvapilo, keď sme išli do hory na čučoriedky - boruvky - a tá hora - les bol na rovine. U nás čučoriedky rastú len na vyšších vrchoch. Mestečko bolo vtedy ešte vyľudnené, nemecké obyvateľstvo bolo vysťahované. Pre mňa s malej dedinky okr. Martin to bolo aj tak veľké. Bola som vlastne prvý krát z domu a hneď toľká diaľka, samozrejme sme aj plakávali a rodičom písali, aby prišli pre nás v tých začiatkoch. Sú to spomienky na celý život. Pozrela som si Vaše stránky a prečítala, čo všetko sa stalo a vystavalo za tých 73 rokov....Prajem všetko dobré , Remšíková


Founded: 13th century
Category: Castles and fortifications in Czech Republic

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4.1/5 (based on Google user reviews)

User Reviews

Adam Hladík (2 years ago)
A beautiful repaired lock, I recommend it at least for a photo.
Petra C. (3 years ago)
We only saw the castle from the outside. It is being repaired after being devastated by the Soviet army and after a fire in 1987.
Pietro Traveler (3 years ago)
Just from the outside. It looks great
Marie Vondrová Hotmarová (4 years ago)
The facade of the castle has been repaired, the Holy Sepulchre, the chapel of St. John of Nepomuck, beautiful, a walk, I recommend adding a walk through the town of Stráž pod Ralskem, there are many beautiful statues and the Horka pond
Petra Adamcova (6 years ago)
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