Kasti Manor

Märjamaa, Estonia

The Kasti estate was first mentioned in 1488, and it served as the vassal castle of von Uexkülls in the Middle Ages (parts have been preserved in the current main building).

Later on, the manor was associated with the noble families of von Baranoff, von Sivers and von Stackelberg. The manor house was rebuilt as a modern mansion round 1825, when the owner was count Sievers and when it became additional buildings with venice's windows. After burning in 1905 the former look was restorated. In 20. century the house became an office of Kolkhoz "Tasuja", also as cultural center and as shop. For the moment the house stands in private ownership.



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Kasti, Märjamaa, Estonia
See all sites in Märjamaa


Founded: 1825
Category: Palaces, manors and town halls in Estonia
Historical period: Part of the Russian Empire (Estonia)

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