Rabeneck Castle (Burg Rabeneck) is a former high mediaeval aristocratic castle which stands high above the valley of the Wiesent in the Upper Franconian district of Bayreuth in the German state of Bavaria.
A branch of the Rabensteins built the castle before 1200 as an allodial castle, and named a cadet line of the family after it.
In the Peasants' War the castle fell victim in 1525 to rebellious peasants, who captured it and burned it out. Alexander Stiebar zu Rabeneck was given 485 guilders and Christoph Stiebar, who owned the other half of the castle, 554 guilders as recompense. Its rebuilding lasted until 1535.
In the early 17th century Rabenstein Castle was already being described as dilapidated. The Rabensteins sold the castle in 1620 after the death of George for 36,000 guilders to the Bishopric of Bamberg. As a result of renewed financial difficulties in the bishopric, Bishop John Godfrey of Aschhausen had to advance the money on loan, the castle remained an inheritable possession until the bishopric could pay back the money. Rabeneck was still in the possession of the Aschhausens until 1682.
In 1975 the castle was sold to its present occupant, Norman Schiller. The castle may currently be visited and overnight stays are possible. Festivals may also be organised by prior arrangement.
Nearby are the ruins of Waischenfeld Castle and, to the east, Rabenstein Castle, which was probably the family seat of the Rabenecks, who belonged to the family of ministeriales the House of Rabenstein.
References:Ogrodzieniec Castle is a ruined medieval castle originally built in the 14th–15th century by the W³odkowie Sulimczycy family. Established in the early 12th century, during the reign of Boles³aw III Wrymouth, the first stronghold was razed by the Tatars in 1241. In the mid-14th century a new gothic castle was built here to accommodate the Sulimczycy family. Surrounded by three high rocks, the castle was well integrated into the area. The defensive walls were built to close the circuit formed by the rocks, and a narrow opening between two of the rocks served as an entrance.
In 1470 the castle and lands were bought by the wealthy Cracovian townsmen, Ibram and Piotr Salomon. Then, Ogrodzieniec became the property of Jan Feliks Rzeszowski, the rector of Przemy¶l and the canon of Cracow. The owners of the castle about that time were also Jan and Andrzej Rzeszowskis, and later Pilecki and Che³miñski families. In 1523 the castle was bought by Jan Boner.